Russell Simmons: RushCard, Occupy Wall Street pose no conflict

From the Huffington Post

Music mogul Russell Simmons has emerged as one of the most recognizable figures to throw his weight behind the Occupy Wall Street protests. But as of late, he has also come under fire for what some have called competing interests: raising one fist as a champion of the 99 percent, but with the other hand, selling what some have called a “false bill of goods” with his RushCard, a pre-paid credit card marketed to low-income clients that charges a number of usage fees.

“He is officially part of the one percent,” said Ryan Mack, president of the Optimum Institution for Economic Empowerment and one of the RushCard’s most vocal critics. “You can go down and chant all you want. But when you are home, and you have a product that pimps the 99 percent, how can you justify chanting during the day but your actions at night are out of line?”

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