The black woman's response to interracial dating

America's rich history of imposing a sense of royalty and superiority on white women over other races is not up for debate. But what can be focused on is how we react to and access the things that we see...

Luther Vandross was outed as gay after his death.

In a recent post, ChicagoNow blogger Shantell Jamison explored mixed emotions that interracial dating triggers among soome black women. She raises the question of whether the issue with black male/white female relationships is a legitimate target for black women’s hostility:

Okay guys this topic isn’t new, but unfortunately like other things that we believe should have died with the great jheri curl still have staying power. The other day a friend on Facebook put up a status about black women being angry when they see a black man with a white woman. Of course this status garnered the usual responses. They always have to take all of our good black men! Black men are threatened by a confident black woman. He can’t handle me…etc.etc. All of the possible reasons one could come up with to justify what I believe is a very inappropriate reaction were mentioned. Allow me to share a different perspective.

What amazed me about this post was that not one “defender” of the Angry Black Woman’s Crusade Against Black Men Dating White Women brought up the possibility of accountability for their actions and feelings. They either justified them by saying that the white woman was an insecure doormat, or that the black man thought more highly of white women than black women. The historical implications that a union like this signifies cannot be ignored. America’s rich history of imposing a sense of royalty and superiority on white women over other races is not up for debate. But what can be focused on is how we react to and access the things that we see.

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