Nick Cannon tweeted defending his wife, Mariah Carey, from the comments made by Chelsea Handler during her interview with Howard Stern. Chelsea said that “she’s ridiculous!” Madame Noire reports that Cannon was offended and responded saying that “when people talk about my family the ‘hood’ in me comes out.”:
Everyone’s been talking about Chelsea Handler opening up about her relationship with 50 Cent on Howard Stern but Nick Cannon wasn’t hearing none of that. The proud father and husband was more concerned with what Chelsea had to say about his wife, Mariah Carey. She told Howard:
WATCH: Chelsea Handler talks to Howard Stern about Mariah Carrey
“Anyone who’s married to Mariah Carey I’m sure doesn’t have a great sense of humor. Shes’ ridiculous. What is her game plan? What kind of person operates like that? She’s worse than like Elizabeth Taylor. She’s just so ridiculous with her body. You see her one day and she’s 50 pounds heavier or light…there’s nothing real about her and her Hello Kitty or whatever.”
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