50 Cent has a long history of being outspoken on Twitter — for better of worse. And now a bet he’s made with one of his followers is raising a lot of eyebrows. The “In Da Club” rapper agreed to a racy bet, if the Giants lose the Super Bowl — he’ll tweet a nude photo of himself. The Hollywood Gossip reports:
50 Cent reportedly won a $500,000 bet (!) on the Giants in the NFC Championship game. But that’s only money. For the Super Bowl, he’s making things really interesting.
After Tweeting throughout Sunday’s nerve-wracking win (“just watched a $500,000 football game get on my level Chumps”) 50 is uber-confident heading into February 5.
So much so that the rapper quickly accepted when a follower named MyBestAssets made him an offer regarding his hometown Giants and the New England Patriots:
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