John McCain on Jan Brewer's testy exchange with the president: Obama has a 'prickly personality'
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) sounded off Thursday on the testy exchange between President Barack Obama and Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer...

All day today the Internet has been buzzing about a confrontation between President Barack Obama and Arizona Governor Jan Brewer this past Wednesday. A now iconic photograph shows Brewer with her finger in the president’s face during a tense conversation that allegedly revolved around claims Brewer made in her recent memoir about Obama. Now Obama’s former general election foe (and fellow Arizonian) John McCain is weighing in. Huffington Post reports:
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) sounded off Thursday on the testy exchange between President Barack Obama and Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer®.
“Apparently Bobby Jindal, the governor of Louisiana, had a similar exchange with the president. It is very well known he has a prickly personality, and I think it has been displayed in both of those cases,” McCain told Fox Business Network. “Jan Brewer is very concerned about the security on our border. I think it’s a very legitimate concern.”
Brewer and Obama exchanged words Wednesday on the tarmac of Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport. According to the White House pool report, Brewer “handed him a handwritten letter in an envelope and they spoke intensely for a few minutes. At one point, she pointed her finger at him.”
The pool report added that Obama appeared to walk away from her while they were still talking and that they had been talking “seemingly over each other.”
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