Interracial couple in political ad angers some South Africans

A provocative political poster has created a firestorm in South Africa. The Democratic Alliance Party’s student organization has distributed an image of an interracial couple (who appear to be in a nude embrace) to make a statement about race relations in the country. However, the poster’s opponents claim its a blatant promotion of sex. The Washington Post reports:

It’s been nearly 20 years since apartheid in South Africa ended, but one political poster depicting an interracial couple has caused a furor throughout the country. The poster, which depicts a white man and a black woman in a presumably nude embrace was created by the student wing of the Democratic Alliance party’s student wing. The tag­line reads: “In OUR future, you wouldn’t look twice.”

The poster has dominated conversation among politicians and the media in South Africa, the Globe and Mail reports. While many have been supportive of its message, some have taken issue with the poster’s supposed promotion of sex.

Others have traded racist remarks on the Democratic Alliance Youth’s Facebook page, with one commenter posting a photo of an all-white, blonde family with the remark “Now that’s how it should be!”

People who do not support the poster have also made parody versions of the image that some might consider to be more offensive.

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