Snoop Dogg supports Ron Paul stance on drugs

Rapper Snoop Dogg is known for his unapologetic use of marijuana. Apparently this has led Snoop to lend some support to an unlikely figure — GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul. Snoop backs Paul’s ‘States Right to Medical Marijuana Act’ of 2008. The Chicago Tribune reports that Snoop posted a picture of Ron Paul with a headline which read, “Smoke Weed Everyday”:

LOS ANGELES, Jan 30 ( – Snoop Dogg, throwing his weight behind Ron Paul? Politics really does make strange bedfellows — or at least smoking buddies.

The rapper and marijuana enthusiast appeared to grant his endorsement to GOP candidate Paul on his Facebook page late Monday, posting a picture of Paul with the headline “Smoke Weed Everyday.” Snoop Dogg — born Calvin Broadus — included the message “Because I said so” with his post.

Broadus — whose most recent marijuana-related arrest occurred earlier this month, at the Texas border town of Sierra Blanca — is presumably drawn to Paul due to the libertarian-leaning candidate’s stance on drugs. Paul, an advocate of smaller federal government, was a co-sponsor of the States’ Rights to Medical Marijuana Act, and supports the Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults Act of 2008.

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