Rapper Snoop Dogg is known for his unapologetic use of marijuana. Apparently this has led Snoop to lend some support to an unlikely figure — GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul. Snoop backs Paul’s ‘States Right to Medical Marijuana Act’ of 2008. The Chicago Tribune reports that Snoop posted a picture of Ron Paul with a headline which read, “Smoke Weed Everyday”:
LOS ANGELES, Jan 30 (TheWrap.com) – Snoop Dogg, throwing his weight behind Ron Paul? Politics really does make strange bedfellows — or at least smoking buddies.
The rapper and marijuana enthusiast appeared to grant his endorsement to GOP candidate Paul on his Facebook page late Monday, posting a picture of Paul with the headline “Smoke Weed Everyday.” Snoop Dogg — born Calvin Broadus — included the message “Because I said so” with his post.
Broadus — whose most recent marijuana-related arrest occurred earlier this month, at the Texas border town of Sierra Blanca — is presumably drawn to Paul due to the libertarian-leaning candidate’s stance on drugs. Paul, an advocate of smaller federal government, was a co-sponsor of the States’ Rights to Medical Marijuana Act, and supports the Personal Use of Marijuana by Responsible Adults Act of 2008.
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