Apple iTunes raises price of Whitney Houston tracks after death

News One reports that Apple is under scrutiny for profiting from Whitney Houston’s death by raising the price of her recordings through their iTunes service. According to the site, the prices were rasied just 30 minutes after the singer’s death was announced, with her “Ultimate Collection” of tracks increased in cost by $4.70.

The iTunes price of Houston’s 2007 Ultimate Collection album increased by $4.70. Users of the popular site complained that they were unable to download the collection because the company was in the process of increasing their pricing.

Consumers accused Apple of being callous profiteers, while others tried to shame the mega-tech giant for being unashamedly greedy .

The Digital Spy reports that one customer, who claimed to have spent two hours trying to purchase the “Ultimate Collection” at its original price stated:

“To say I am angry is an understatement, and I feel it is just a case of iTunes cashing in on the singer’s death, which in my opinion is totally parasitic. The album itself is great so please don’t be put off purchasing it, just [realize] that you will merely be lining some fat cat’s pocket before Whitney’s lifeless body is cold.”

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