Chris Rock recently went ballistic when conservative blogger Jason Mettera asked him questions about the Tea Party. After being badgered with questions, Rock first walked away from Mettera, but then he lunged toward him and threw his camera. The questions revolved around comments Rock made to Esquire magazine, where Rock previously made a controversial statement regarding the Tea Party. “When I see the Tea Party and all this stuff, it actually feels like racism’s almost over. Because this is the last — this is the act up before the sleep. They’re going crazy. They’re insane,” said Rock. reports:
Conservative blogger Jason Mattera posted a video to YouTube that has gotten attention today. It is from an encounter he had with comedian Chris Rock on January 23, 2012.
Chris Rock was throwing an after-party at the Sundance Film Festival. Mattera approached him and said he was a fan from Brooklyn. He then asked for a picture with the celebrity. Rock turned around for the picture and saw that there was a video camera pointed at him. Mattera then started asking Rock about statements that he had made about the Tea Party. Rock immediately walked away. Mattera followed and Rock ran out of room to walk away. He then turned and grabbed the video camera and threw it.
Mattera took the video in January, but posted it last week as a way to promote his book “Hollywood Hypocrites”.
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