Marlo Hampton, co-star of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, was recently confronted by her friend and hairstylist Lawrence Washington for having lied about using a gay slur in a previous episode. She admits to using the ‘f’ word, then gives a half-way apology, jokingly saying, “Well I’m gonna say f*g to someone who doesn’t mean anything to me.” The Huffington Post reports on the story:
On “The Real Housewives Of Atlanta” (Sun., 9 p.m. ET on Bravo) Marlo Hampton had to answer to her long-time hair stylist and friend Lawrence Washington after she used a gay slur.
Marlo first dropped the f-word during the “Housewives” trip to South Africa and then said it again several times in front of Lawrence at Cynthia’s anniversary party.
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