CNN anchor uses profanity, n-word on air (VIDEO)

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CNN correspondent Susan Candiotti was in Tulsa to report on the possible racially-motivated killing of the three black men. In reporting the story, she read from a Facebook post made by the suspect, using the expression “f**king ni**ers” whilte uncensored by the network. Candiotti later apologized, as did the anchor in studio for the segment Fredricka Whitfield. The Huffington Post reports:


“It reads like this: ‘Today is two years that my dad has been gone, shot by—’ and please excuse the language, it’s very sensitive—’shot by a f—-ing [n-word]. It’s hard not to go off between that and Sheran—’ Sheran is [the suspect’s] girlfriend, who according to family friends, committed sucide in front of the suspect in this case just last December…The Facebook posting goes on to say: ‘I’m gone in the head. Dad and Sheran…I love and miss you. I think about you both every second of the day.’”

Back at “CNN Newsroom,” anchor Fredricka Whitfield apologized to viewers. “Ok, Susan Candiotti in Tulsa. We apologize to our viewers for such profanities being used on our air. And we’ll be right back with much more in the newsroom.”

Candiotti also apologized for her language. “In quoting someone else’s words, I repeated their offensive and inappropriate language. I deeply regret it,” she said.

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