Parents force 8-year-old daughter to wear 'I like to steal' sign

Yet another set of parents are resorted to a unique form of punishment to discipline their kids. Montrail White and his wife have forced their 8-year-old daughter to wearing a sign that reads ‘I like to steal from others and lie about it.’ The Chicago Tribune reports:

A couple took the punishment of their 8-year-old daughter public by forcing her to wear a sign that read: “I like to steal from others and lie about it.”

The parents made her wear the cardboard sandwich board outside High Mount Elementary School in downstate Swansea as parents and their children arrived at school Tuesday.

Montrail White says he and his wife decided to punish the girl publicly because they’d repeatedly caught her taking things that didn’t belong to her.

“Is it more embarrassing to her to let a few people see her now or have her name in the newspaper when she gets older and is caught stealing and sent to jail?” White told the Belleville News-Democrat.

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