Ramarley Graham protestors seek justice parallel to Trayvon Martin case

Protesters marched outside of the 47th Police Precinct in the Bronx recently near the birthday of Ramarley Graham, who was fatally gunned down by police in his home on Feb. 2. His grandmother, Constance Malcolm, attended the silent protest and helped carry a sign which read, “We won’t rest until justice is served!” Among those 100 locals in attendance, Sheron Pearson of People of Black Heritage group said, “To those who say marching doesn’t work, I point to Trayvon Martin.” DNA info reports on the story:

BRONX—If he was still alive, Ramarley Graham would have turned 19 on Thursday.

But Instead of a big celebration with family and friends, Graham’s mother Constance Malcolm stood outside the 47th Precinct station house, wiping tears away as about 100 protesters sang happy birthday to her son.

It was part of a series of weekly protests to denounce the Feb. 2 shooting death of the unarmed teen at the hands of police.

“Lord, the last two months have been hard for me, especially today, Ramarley’s birthday,” Malcolm said outside of the home she shared with Graham, where he was also killed.

“If there was just one wish tonight it would be that my son would be here with me.”

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