Joe Arpaio to announce new information questioning Obama's citizenship
Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio claims he will make an announcement late May or early June, concerning his investigation into President Obama's eligibility to hold office...

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio claims he will make an announcement in late May or early June, concerning his investigation into President Obama’s eligibility to hold office. Arpaio and his “Cold Case Posse” infamously questioned the president’s citizenship and authenticity of his Hawaii birth certificate last year. The Huffington Post reports:
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio will make another announcement concerning his team’s investigation of Barack Obama’s eligibility to hold public office in late May or early June.
Mike Zullo, the lead investigator in Arpaio’s “Cold Case Posse,” told CBS 5 News the announcement will concern new findings, including data on Obama’s 1980 registration for the draft.
“We didn’t make a mistake the first time. We’re not making a mistake this time,” Zullo said.
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