Mom wants charges over boy put in washing machine


CAMDEN, N.J. (AP) — The mother of a toddler who briefly got stuck inside an active washing machine at a southern New Jersey laundromat says she wants to press charges.

Speaking on NBC’s “Today” show Thursday, Sakia David says she wants her baby sitter punished for allowing a male friend to put the child in the machine.

David says she didn’t even know about the May 11 incident in Camden until she saw the video on the news and was contacted by police.

She says her son was treated at a hospital for scrapes and bruises. But she wants more tests.

David says the baby sitter told her the child had fallen down some steps.

Authorities say the man was unaware the machine would automatically start.

They’ve referred the case to child welfare officials.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press.

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