Rohan Marley postpones marriage to Brazilian model Isabeli Fontana

From Everybody was doing double and possibly even triple takes after finding out Rohan Marley got engaged to Brazilian model Isabeli Fontana. I’m not even sure most people knew they had been dating since October 2011–though that’s not much time to become engaged seven months later. But the thing that had everyone tripping was how this man had been with Lauryn Hill for centuries and fathered five of her six children without even putting so much as a birth control ring on it, much less a wedding one, then all of a sudden popped up with a proposal to this woman.

Rohan and Isabeli hadn’t set a date at the time of the May announcement, and they won’t be setting one anytime soon it seems because according to MSN BRAZIL Isabeli has called the wedding off—for now.

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