Charlie Rangel livid over Harlem voting debacle

The fate of U.S. Rep. Charles Rangel’s 21-term-career lies within a couple of cardboard boxes. The ballot counting continues today in a contentious race for New York’s 13th Congressional District. As of yesterday, the New York City Board of Elections said Rep. Rangel (D) took 332 of the new votes, growing his overall lead to 945 votes.

State Sen. Adriano Espaillat (D) managed to take home an additional 189 votes.

The Board of Elections will resume combing through the more than 2,000 absentee and affidavit ballots starting at 10 A.M.

Meanwhile, Bronx State Supreme Court Justice John Carter ruled Thursday the New York City Board of Elections can certify the election between Rangel and Espaillat, but can’t transmit the result to the State Board of Elections until he approves it. That transmission is the final step to make an election result official.

Nearly a week and a half ago, the 13th Congressional District race appeared to end in Rep. Rangel’s favor, as he seemingly held a sizable lead. However, over time, the margin has whittled down to less than 1,000. Now many are wondering if State Sen. Espaillat conceded too soon.

A full recount could happen if the final difference is less than one-half of one percent of all votes cast.

@apresha is a producer at @nbcnewyork

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