Dinesh D'Souza's exploitation of Obama's half-brother, George, represents new low for the Right

OPINION - D’Souza is lying. He is making things up, pulling together non-existent threads and weaving a narrative not even suitable for the imagination needed to produce a children’s book...

Luther Vandross was outed as gay after his death.

That’s because the theory is a blatant untruth. D’Souza is lying. He is making things up, pulling together non-existent threads and weaving a narrative not even suitable for the imagination needed to produce a children’s book. There is no proof that Obama has an “anti-colonial Kenyan worldview,” no matter how many times D’Souza says it, nor whether Newt Gingrich finds the ideabrilliantand pushes the lie. Try as they might, they have failed time and again to radicalize Obama’s centrism and belief in American exceptionalism.

It’s the same line of thinking that causes Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney to repeat the equally untrue idea that Obama has gone around the world “apologizing” for America, or that Obama is overseeing a socialist takeover of the United States, a refrain real socialists continue to scoff at. Conservatives prefer not to debate issues as they are but use hyperbole and outright fabrication to engender the visceral hatred of Obama that turns people out to the polls under the belief that their vote is protecting America from a grave threat. It’s a ludicrous assertion, and one that plays into racism and bigotry for political gain.

Conservatives have created an Obama that doesn’t exist because they largely find themselves unable to run against the one that does. He has taken away their “weak on defense” line of attack that has been deployed against Democratic candidates for more than 30 years, and done all that he can to preserve and bolster America’s capitalist economy. He’s gone so far as implement old conservative ideas, much to the chagrin of his progressive supporters, and still found himself with fierce opposition from the very conservatives created and once championed them. Whatever universe that equate all this with a “Kenyan anti-colonial worldview,” it’s one that has yet to be discovered by humans of rational thought.

But facts won’t deter these detractors, and so long as that burden doesn’t existent, D’Souza and his ilk will find traction for their lies. It’s the bitter pill of today’s political landscape.

Follow Mychal Denzel Smith on Twitter at @mychalsmith