Man tries to sell a baby shark on NYC subway

A lot of crazy stories start on a NYC subway, but this one is really bizarre.  Earlier this week, a man was attempting to sell a baby shark at 1 a.m. on the J train.  He was offering fellow passengers the shark, which he kept in a disposable cooler, for $100.  Gothamist reports:

A reader sent us these photos of a man selling a live shark at 1 a.m. on J train recently, telling us the guy was “calling out his product like he was a retro cigarette girl. He said he caught it at Coney Island after ‘it bit me in the ass.’ I told him I’m pretty sure sharks need to keep moving or they’ll perish, and judging by the small disposable cooler he was keeping it in, the fish has likely passed on.”

Click here to read more on the attempted shark sale.

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