Republicans apologize for racist Facebook post
The Huffington Post reports that after backlash from some democrats and a series of angry comments, the Rutland County Vermont Republican...
The Huffington Post reports that after backlash from some democrats and a series of angry comments, the Rutland County Vermont Republican who posted a racial comment on his Facebook chose to apologize. The author of the comments is not identified but Vermont Democratic Party Chairman Jake Perkinson described the post as “appalling” and demanded an apology from state Republicans.
The original post read:
Just wanted to let you know — today I received my 2012 Social Security Stimulus Package. It contained two tomato seeds, cornbread mix, a prayer rug, a machine to blow smoke up my butt, 2 discount coupons to KFC, an “Obama Hope & Change” bumper sticker, and a “Blame it on Bush” poster for the front yard. The directions were in Spanish. Watch for yours soon.
The response:
I totally regret that some members of the Democratic party were offended by the satirical post on this page yesterday. There were some that commented on the post that they did not see how the possibly inflammatory comments were anything other political commentary. This page is not the original author and the intent was to show the author’s frustration at the current economic situation that he/she finds themselves in.
I realize now that there are those that were deeply offended and for that I am very saddened and I will make sure that our editoral process will result in posts to our pages that reflect the spirit of good natured political discussions. My hope is that we can get back to the critical dialog necessary to move Vermont and the US back towards economic prosperity.
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