Ray J on Kim Kardashian tweets: 'LOL'

Ray J, the notorious reality TV star, has been taking shots at his former girlfriend Kim Kardashian, with whom he appeared in a sex tape which effectively launched her career. This week after Kardashian tweeted messages there were meant to be uplifting, Ray retweeted them and added a sarcastic ‘LOL’. The Huffington Post reports:

On Wednesday, Kim’s ex-boyfriend and sex tape co-star decided to take a shot at the reality star by laughing at a series of uplifting tweets.

“U wouldn’t be who u are today, u wouldn’t have the depth, maturity, & the insight were it not for those challenges that forced u to grow,” Kim wrote on Wednesday night, adding: “Keep your life in a positive perspective. We are not defined by our pasts.”

Kim, of course, has made some mistakes in her past, namely her 72-day marriage to Kris Humphries and the sex tape she made with Ray J way back in 2003.

Her ex took the opportunity to mock the 31-year-old star, replying to her tweet with a simple “LOL.”

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