Mindclone technology brings black humanoid robot to life

Researchers are developing lifelike robots that may soon have the ability to get you your lunch or sit down and have a conversation with you. Mindclone technology is now being developed and built into a new generation of robots.

Although the technology is similar to artificial intelligence, it is the first to integrate files captured from data uploaded by individual users. Data is collected from pictures, videos and documents that the sites users upload themselves. Researchers asked, “What would it be like if you could transfer your personal data, your consciousness, to a robot or a machine?”

Bina-48, is replication of Bina Rothblatt, the co-founder of the Terasem Movement Foundation, the organization that developed the robot. Bina-48 is the most lifelike and highly sought-after humanoid robot in America. Bina is an $125,000 robot, but unlike other robots, there is a human side to Bina that demonstrates the integration of a mind file with a robot. Bina’s human characteristics were created using over 20 hours of video interviews engineers conducted with Bina’s human prototype.

The Terasem Foundation, also runs the LifeNaut project. LifeNaut now has over 20,000 users that create so-called mind-files using photos and online data and other “digital reflections.” The idea is that the information in these mind-files could one day be used to build other humanoid robots like Bina for LifeNaut users. It’s free to build a profile on LifeNaut, but only those willing to pay the $125,000 price tag can own their own version of Bina-48.

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