Journalists revolt against Rihanna during her 777 tour

Rihanna recently set out on worldwide “777” tour, performing seven concerts, for 700 people, in seven countries over the course of seven days, in an effort to promote upcoming album, Unapologetic.

The Barbadian beauty chartered a jet and brought along 250 journalists, musicians and contest winners.

Now, with day seven of her tour ending tomorrow in New York City, Rihanna is being outshined by journalists who tagged along for her journey but are frustrated by their lack of access to the singer.

Sunday night Rihanna’s 777 tour group went into revolt mode, reportedly yelling for the singer to meet with journalists.

According to Fuse, “before take-off, select journalists started yelling randomly for Rihanna to come out, while others began jovially making fun of Ri’s planned ad-libs heard during each of her shows.”

The chorus grew, as chants of “Just one quote!,” “Save our jobs!” and “I need a headline!” grew louder and more intense.

An Australian journalist, Tim Dormer, became so frustrated over Rihanna’s failure to grant access to reporters, that he stripped naked and ran up and down the aisles of the aircraft while plan passengers applauded.

Dromer revealed later in an interview he got the urge to streak because he “was feeling reckless.”

“I was just in the bathroom and was like, ‘Hell, it’s 3 a.m. and we’re on an airplane, and have been flying for ages,” Dromer told Yahoo! “I thought about doing it the long way and going all the way down to the first class section, but thought, ‘Her security is going to take me out, and it’s going to get ugly.”

Rolling Stone writer Jeff Rosenthal, who is aboard Rihanna’s  777 tour, summed things up perfectly in one of his posts from today.

“No, we didn’t expect to hang out with Rihanna and gossip about Drake. We simply felt there should be a reason for us being on this plane with her and seeing these seven shows, and there apparently is none.”

Several reporters have taken to Twitter to express what this tour has been like from an insider’s perspective, accompanied by the hashtag “#occupy777.”

Rihanna’s camp has yet to comment on the controversy surrounding her 777 tour.

Follow Chris Witherspoon on Twitter at @WitherspoonC

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