The conservative website The Daily Caller suffered a social media fail on Thursday, when the site’s Twitter account featured a shorthand for the n-word.
The original tweet, posted at just before 5 p.m. Thursday, was directed at Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus. It linked to a story on the Daily Caller website about a rapper naming himself “Rhymes Priebus” after the RNC leader. “Rhymes,” the Chicago-based aspiring rapper, reportedly drove members of President Obama’s press pool during a recent presidential visit to his hometown.
The tweet jokingly asked “Hey @Reince, why didn’t you tell us you were moonlighting as a rapper? Turns out our GOP Chair is HNIC…” HNIC is a slang term meaning “Head N-word in Charge.”
Whoever posted the Tweet must have quickly rethought it, since they deleted it as short time later, tweeted an apology, and posted a replacement:
The Daily Caller was founded by former CNN “Crossfire” co-host Tucker Carlson.