Don Lemon doesn't think 'Duck Dynasty' cast-member should be fired

Don Lemon has definitely staked out some unusual positions for a prominent person of color in the past year.

He has passionately defended stop-and-frisk police practices and participated in a bizarre reenactment of the so-called “knockout game.”

The CNN anchor’s latest comments with regards to controversial homophobic and racial remarks, made in a recent GQ interview  by Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson, are sure to raise some eyebrows as well.

While appearing on Piers Morgan, Lemon argued that Robertson shouldn’t be fired for his comments and that the “marketplace should decide” his fate instead. He attributed the off-color words to a “lack of awareness.”

In addition to comparing the LGBT community to those who practice bestiality and suggesting that they will never get into heaven, Robertson claims that growing up during the civil rights movement he only saw African-Americans who were  “singing and happy.”

“I never heard one of them, one black person, say, ‘I tell you what: These doggone white people,'” he added.

Lemon did concede that what Robertson said was “offensive” but says that Roberston should say what he wants as a matter of free speech.

“He has the right to say whatever he wants to say. This is what happens when you have true freedom of speech,” he said.

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