theGrio’s 100: Jamie Broadnax, encouraging black girls to embrace their inner nerd
theGRIO’S 100- Jamie Broadnax is a self proclaimed blogger and nerd. She’s also the creator of BlackGirlsNerds, an online group dedicated to covering topics that interest women of color who consider themselves to be geeks...

Who is Jamie Broadnax?
Jamie Broadnax is a self proclaimed blogger and nerd. She’s also the creator of BlackGirlsNerds, an online group dedicated to covering topics that interest women of color who consider themselves to be geeks, as she put it, “A website for Blerds–black nerds.” If you’re a fan of Star Wars, Dungeon and Dragons, and Star Trek, BlackGirlsNerds is the place to be. With a great sense of humor, she posted in her Twitter bio, “Blogger, Nerd. Billionaire. Last part may be a slight exaggeration.” And in Google+ she writes, “Geekette. Nerd-Extraordinaire – Credit Analyst by day…Blog Super-heroine by night.”
Broadnax has stated, “My future goals for BGN is to allow this to be an online magazine and source for Black and other women of color. I would love BGN to be a social enterprise where we can have BGN meet-ups in metropolitan cities and to also host Comic-cons in the area. She went on to say, “I would love to partner with existing comic cons as well as create new cons for Blerds since we are so sparse in many of the major cons. If there were ever a TV network for only Nerds I want BGN to have their own channel!” You can follow Jamie on Twitter at @jamiebroadnax.
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