During a Fox News segment about alleged criminality and corruption within the Democratic party, commentator Geraldo Rivera pointed the figure at “ethnic politicians.”
Rivera claimed that it was “provable” that the mainstream media avoids covering negative stories about Democrats.
“There is no doubt, it is undeniable, that the mainstream media is more liberal than anything else,” Rivera said.
“Usually, the politicians who are robbing on the Democratic side tend to be ethnic politicians, as in these cases,” he added.
Rivera argued that the so-called liberal press were too preoccupied with being “politically correct” and that Fox News is “the antidote to that particular problem.”
In the past year Rivera has been widely criticized for incendiary remarks he’s made with regards to the Trayvon Martin case.
He previously said that he would “bet money” Martin was killed because of the hoodie he was wearing and later concluded that the jury in the George Zimmerman trial would have killed the unarmed teen if they had been in Zimmerman’s shoes.