Sad Kanye photo gives the Internet something to smile about

TODAY — Cheer up! It’s Friday, and there’s a new sad Kanye West photo out there to add to the Internet’s popular obsession with collecting images of the hip-hop star looking less-than-cheerful.

The photograph, which showed up on Reddit on Thursday, was allegedly hanging on the wall of a zip-lining office “in the middle of Mexico.” It shows West seated in the background, hunched over a bit, wearing a red helmet and staring at the ground. His fianceé Kim Kardashian poses in the foreground of the photo with her zip-line gear on as well, alongside an unidentified man.

Sad Kanye is a known entity online, and a Tumblr by that name collects images of West and pairs them with captions aimed at predicting what he’s thinking as he’s snapped looking sullen.

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