Google pays tribute to Nelson Mandela

Friday’s Google Doodle is dedicated to the late visionary Nelson Mandela, who would have celebrated his 96th birthday.

The interactive illustrations contains a  series of Mandela quotes.

July 18 marks “Nelson Mandela International Day,”  and South Africans paid tribute to him with an outpouring of volunteer work and good deeds. The Associated Press reports volunteers picked up litter, cooked at homes for the elderly and donated necessities to the poor.

Volunteers were encouraged to perform acts of charity for 67 minutes, which signified the 67 years of public service Mandela gave.

He endured a jail sentence of 27 years, yet his journey from prisoner to peacemaker eventually led him to transition South Africa into becoming a democracy.

December 5 will mark the one-year anniversary of his death.

Follow Lilly Workneh on Twitter @Lilly_Works.

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