Trailer for Lifetime's Whitney Houston biopic released

Whitney Houston’s story is coming to the small screen.

With the release of a new Whitney Houston trailer, fans are closer to seeing the story of “the greatest voice of (her) generation.” The singer’s meteoric rise to fame — as well as the lower points in her life with struggles in her marriage and with substance abuse — will all be explored in Lifetime’s new biopic.

The film focuses attention on the love story between Whitney Houston (played by Yaya DaCosta) and Bobby Brown (Arlen Escarpeta) and the effect the tempestuous marriage had on Houston’s world.

Angela Basset directs the film and stars as Houston’s mother, Cissy. Deborah Cox provided the vocals for the singer’s greatest hits, including “I Will Always Love You.”

Lifetime will air the biopic on January 17 at 8p.m.

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