A Missouri bar owner is in hot water after advertising a Michael Brown “shot special” to customers Friday night.
The promoti0n was “not meant to cause any harm,” the bar’s co-owner told WDAF-TV.
An image of the special surfaced on social media, promising patrons six shots of tequila for $10. An autopsy showed Brown was shot “at least” six times by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.
“I should have thought about it a little bit before I made the shot special,” the bar’s owner said.
Mug Shots is a bar located in St. Joseph, Missouri, some 300 miles east of Ferguson. The owner says he stole the idea off a Michael Brown shot special from other bars in the area.
The owner declined to be identified in order to protect himself and his family. The Michael Brown special was replaced on Saturday with this:
The pub’s tagline is: “Where sarcasm is always free.”