A video of a St. Louis TV reporter calling the station’s morning news anchor “The Hamburglar,” was last week’s viral gold.
More than 1 million people watched the clip of Tim Ezell comparing April Simpson’s striped black and white shirt to the old McDonald’s character.
Even comedian Kevin Hart posted the clip to his Facebook page.
Monday, Simpson’s co-workers at Fox 2 News took things one step further.
Once again, a co-host tossed the news over to “The Hamburglar,” but this time, it was not April Simpson who took over.
It was the real Hamburglar.
Watch the real ‘Hamburglar’ greet the morning anchor below:
[youtubevid video=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=V00ZoZGhyQU” id=”V00ZoZGhyQU” w=”640″ h=”360″]
Simpson’s reaction was again priceless. The real ‘Hamburglar’ came bearing gifts of hamburgers, even though Simpson is vegetarian.
Simpson took the whole thing in stride, listing off the people who were no longer her friends.
She went through the whole crew, pointing them out and calling them by name, as the gleeful co-hosts and crew enjoyed their moment with the real Hamburglar.