Jamie Foxx's daughter clowned him for dating women in their 20s

Jamie Foxx says his daughter lets him know when he’s getting “too young.”

In fact, she clowns him for it.

Foxx, 47, told Power 105.1 host Angie Martinez his daughter Corrine even gives him grief for dating younger women.

“She was legal, but in her 20s,” Foxx told Martinez of the woman he was dating at the time. “I’m 40, she’s in her 20s. I kept her away from my daughter and then all of a sudden; she ends up in the house with my daughter. I’m not there to [intercede]. Then I walk in like ‘Aye, aye, aye.’ She got the little half shirt on.”

Foxx’s daughter Corrine didn’t let him hear the end of it.

“My daughter is like, ‘Really dad?’,” Fox said. “She says, ‘I’m on my way to school. Should I drop her off for 6th period?’ It was like that, so I talk about those things [on the album] you’re still fly and young, at the same time, you are over 40.”

Watch the hilarious full interview with Jamie Foxx below:

[youtubevid video=”http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=6KJtAgNulD4″ id=”6KJtAgNulD4″ w=”640″ h=”360″]

Corrine, 21, is a model and often her father’s red carpet ‘date’ for awards shows. Foxx is set to release is latest album Hollywood next month.

He told Martinez he will be talking about his ‘age conflict’ issues on the album.

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