Georgia mom has misbehaving 10-year-old son arrested as wake-up call

A Georgia mother was tired of dealing with her misbehaving 10-year-old boy, so she staged an arrest to scare him into behaving.

“I just wanted to scare him. Not to harm him,” Chiquita Hill, 33, said of her “tough love” treatment. “I want him to understand that there are consequences for his actions.”

Hill was tired of hearing that her son was “just being rude and disrespectful.”

“I understand he will act out, he’s a pre-teen. He will be going through changes as he gets older, but I want to stop it now before he gets older, like the Baltimore mom. I completely understand what she did. That’s her only son,” she said.

“He will not be a Freddie Gray,” she added later. So, she hoped that having the officers knock some sense into him would help. Scaring him was better than losing him when he was older.

Police officers came to her house to talk to her son. When she and they felt like he still wasn’t understanding the negative impact of his actions, the officers put him in the back of the patrol car. Pictures from the scene showed a crying little Sean.

“The pictures showed the seriousness of it. Next time it may not be crying. He may be dead,” she said.

Asked whether his behavior had improved, Hill replied, “Oh, dramatically!”

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