Jordan Ward was busy with planning her June wedding when the headaches started, and she brushed them off, thinking it was just tension.
But the truth was that she had suffered a stroke caused by her birth control.
Ward is 26 years old.
Although Ward refused to see a doctor for her headaches, her fiance forced her to go. She was sent home because the doctors thought she simply had migraines, but her fiance pushed her to go back, and a CAT scan revealed the truth: a large clot was blocking a network of veins in her brain.
Watch a full report on Jordan Ward’s stroke below:
“When I did get the news, I was in shock,” Ward said. “I’m 26 years old.”
The stroke Ward had suffered was caused by the oral contraceptives she had been taking, in combination with smoking. Dr. George Teitelbaum, the medical director of the Providence Neurovascular Center, and his team removed the clot, and Ward was released from the hospital eight days later, ready to get back to her life.
“I’m so thankful for so many things, but especially for the fact that I still get to marry the man of my dreams,” Ward said, crediting her fiancé with saving her life.
Their June wedding is still schedule to go forward as planned, thanks to her fiance’s determination to keep her safe and healthy.