Four people have been served warrants for cheering at a Mississippi high school graduation.
Before the ceremonies started for Senatobia High School, the superintendent asked parents not to cheer or scream and to hold their applause until the end of the ceremonies. However, some family members just couldn’t hold back their excitement.
“When she went across the stage I just called her name out. ‘Lakaydra’. Just like that,” Ursula Miller said about her niece.
Watch the a full report on the possible arrests below:
“He said ‘you did it baby,’ waved his towel and went out the door,” Linda Walker said of her husband, Henry.
While these two and two others were asked to leave for cheering during the ceremony, they had not heard the last of their troubles from the ceremony.
“A week or two later, I was served with some papers,” Miller explained.
The superintendent was threatening to put these family members in jail for their exuberance and was charging them with “disturbing the peace.”
“It’s crazy,” Henry Walker said. “The fact that I might have to bond out of jail, pay court costs, or a $500 fine for expressing my love, it’s ridiculous man. It’s ridiculous.”
“Okay,” Miller said. “I can understand they can escort me out of the graduation, but to say they going to put me in jail for it. What else are they allowed to do?”
“Why assign papers on someone? We don’t have money for anything like that,” Linda Walker said.