Marilyn Mosby profiled by 'Vogue' Magazine: 'I’m not conflicted about charging these police officers'

Marilyn Mosby can now add a Vogue profile to her long running list of accomplishments.

The Baltimore City State’s attorney became a national figure after filing charges against polices officers in the death of Freddie Gray.

Vogue’s July edition features a stunning photograph of the 35-year-old prosecutor sitting in her office and a candid interview where she discusses her long-held desire to reform the criminal-justice system.

As one of the youngest African-American prosecutors in the country, Mosby is currently a central figure in the fight against police brutality. 

“There have been decades of failed policies: zero tolerance and harassment and people being locked up for small crimes,” she tells Vogue. “Policies that drive a divide between communities and law enforcement. So many people feel like they are voiceless, that they’ve been dehumanized… I believe in applying justice fairly and equally, and that is what our system is built upon. That is why I do what I do.”

Read the entire Vogue profile here

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