Tent reportedly goes up outside of Bobbi Kristina's hospice facility, fans fear the worst

When a white tent went up outside Peachtree Christian Hospice, where Bobbi Kristina Brown has been staying, fans worried that this was a sign she had passed on. However, the hospice assured everyone that this was not the case.

Although the hospice would not comment specifically on her condition, they did say that “there’s been no” deaths at the hospice, and Major Don Woodruff from the Duluth Police force said that he was not aware of any “major occurrences” at the hospice.

Woodruff did say, however, that extra security had been put in place around Bobbi Kristina in an attempt to help maintain her privacy. This issue of privacy became especially important after it was rumored that someone had taken a picture of Bobbi Kristina while she was lying sick in hospice and was attempting to sell it online. Reportedly, the Brown family was then banned from seeing Bobbi Kristina, except for her father, Bobby Brown.

Click here for pictures obtained by TMZ of the tent outside of Peachtree Christian Hospice

Bobby Brown’s sister Leolah said that the picture “was taken when NO other Brown was around her. My brothers KNOW this and we have already determined who we are sure it WAS NOT! And believe me-IT WAS NOT A BROWN.”

“If it were up to me! The sick and sorry people that continue to have permission to see her even still to this day-they would be COMPLETELY cut out NEVER to lay eyes on her again!”

Hearse Spotted Arriving at Bobbi Kristina’s Atlanta Hospice:

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