A disturbing video has surfaced showing a Tennessee mother abusing her 19-day-old infant while praying over him.
The boy’s father filmed the abuse for 13 minutes as the woman tossed the baby, named Christian, to the ground over and over again and tried to get the little girl sitting in her lap to follow suit. The whole time, the mother was invoking the name of God.
It is hard to hear the dialogue between the parents over the hysterical cries of the children as the little girl begs her mother to stop. At one point, the mother, who remains unnamed, tells the little girl to pick Christian up, but when she does so, the girl is pushed, sending Christian sprawling to the floor again.
The disturbing video footage can be viewed below: (*Warning* Footage is graphic)
The mother repeatedly told the father to pick up the crying Christian, but he refused, saying, “I ain’t got nothing to do with that.”
He later told authorities that he was frightened to get involved but wanted to get a recording to show police and to keep the child safe from future abuse.
“I wanted to put my hands on her, but I couldn’t,” the father said. “That was going to leave me in jail and the baby still was going to go with them. It can’t be two dumb parents.”