A hotel has fired its white female supervisor after she allegedly hung a black ‘slave doll’ from a noose in the employee break area.
The stunt was reportedly an attempt to mock the death of Sandra Bland.
So cruel.
Attorney Stacy Shaw shared the picture, which showed the doll hanging by a noose made out of a plastic bag, and made note of the fact that the image was shared with the hashtag #SandraBland.
The incident occurred at the upscale Adam’s Mark hotel in Kansas City, Missouri.
“This photo was given to us by our client who was extremely upset by the incident and I applaud him for his bravery in coming forward to address this injustice,” Shaw said. “We’re asking the community to be supportive in standing up to intolerance and racism in our city and our country.”
Bland’s name recently rose to prominence nationwide after she was discovered dead in police custody, allegedly from suicide in which she hung herself with a plastic trash bag.
“I was deeply disappointed and outraged that in 2015 in a city that I love that there could be such blatant intolerance and racism that was present in the workplace,” Shaw told KCTV5.
John Parker, the general manager of the hotel, has since issued the following statement on the matter: “This isolated incident is completely inconsistent with the values and culture of the Adam’s Mark Hotel Kansas City. This disturbing occurrence took place late Tuesday evening, July 21st. When brought to the attention of management the following day, an investigation was initiated. Immediately following the investigation, the employee was terminated, Friday, July 24th, prior to the start of their next shift. The Adam’s Mark Kansas City is committed to maintaining a positive working environment free of unlawful harassment.”