Kevin Hart explains why he doesn't want his son to be gay

Kevin Hart is still answering for a controversial joke he made during 2010’s Seriously Funny tour.

During the tour, the comedian said:

One of my biggest fears is my son growing up and being gay. That’s a fear. Keep in mind, I’m not homophobic. . . . Be happy. Do what you want to do. But me, as a heterosexual male, if I can prevent my son from being gay, I will.

In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Kevin Hart opened up what many perceived as a ‘homophobic’ statement:

“It’s about my fear,” Hart told the magazine. “I’m thinking about what I did as a dad, did I do something wrong, and if I did, what was it? Not that I’m not gonna love my son or think about him any differently. The funny thing within that joke is it’s me getting mad at my son because of my own insecurities — I panicked. It has nothing to do with him, it’s about me. That’s the difference between bringing a joke across that’s well thought-out and saying something just to ruffle feathers.”

Hart also spoke briefly about experiencing and overcoming racism.

“I won’t acknowledge what I won’t let beat me,” he said. “Have I experienced racism? Of course. But will I make you feel superior by saying I’ve felt trumped at times? No. I’ll beat you by succeeding. I want to show my generation that a man of color, despite the roadblocks, can still make it. There’s moments when I took to social media and said things, but it’s always been on the positive side. I gave a message to Baltimore: At the end of the day, we’re only hurting ourselves by destroying what we have. We have to go back and live there. We’re torching, firebombing, looting our stuff. We need that CVS! Be smarter than this!”

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