Twitter cheating? Mike Epps' wife interrupts his online tweeting session with other woman

Look both ways before sliding in the DM’s.

Actually, don’t slide at all.

Comedian Mike Epps started off with a “hey” to user @CeciCitra. A “hey” turned into a “DM me,” which is when Epps’ wife Mechelle gave him the side-eye.


Mechelle tweeted the ‘big eyes’ emoji and that’s when Epps and the other woman’s Twitter exchange abruptly ended.


The woman Epps was ‘chatting’ with identifies herself as “Sharon” on her Twitter profile. She posted several tweets mocking the ‘fallout’ of her communication with Epps.

Oh – and she was blocked from Epps’ Twitter account

In other news, watch the cast of the Fantastic Four break into Rihanna’s BBHMM:

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