Arby's apologizes after worker refuses to serve female officer

PEMBROKE PINES, Fla. (AP) — The Arby’s restaurant chain is apologizing after an employee at a South Florida location refused to serve a police officer.

Pembroke Pines Police Chief Dan Giustino says the Atlanta-based company’s chief executive officer and senior vice president of operations contacted him Wednesday afternoon, just hours after Giustino publicly announced the slight against one of his officers.

Arby’s also put out a news release saying the company respects and supports police and that disciplinary action would be taken.

An incident report says a police sergeant attempted to order at the Arby’s drive-thru, about 20 miles north of Miami, Tuesday evening. A manager explained the drive-thru worker didn’t want to serve her because she was a police officer. The manager ordered the employee to serve the sergeant, but after that, she said she no longer felt comfortable eating the food.

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