Most women you talk to will tell you that catcalling is a daily occurrence and a pervasive problem, and recently, there have been several videos in which men are shown just how invasive the practice is. Now, a new video is making the rounds in which sons watch their mothers being catcalled.
At first, the sons took the whole thing in their stride and even made awkward jokes, admitting that it was strange for their mothers to be sexualized.
But as the harassment went on, the mood changed, and the sons began to feel disturbed by what they were seeing.
“That’s just creepy,” said one as his mother was being followed by one of her harassers.
“It’s ridiculous,” said another. “When someone catcalls my mom, I just feel angry and weird. So much anger.”
Donovan, one of the sons, said that he knew that his mother was beautiful but that it did not excuse the behavior or make it any less weird for him to watch.
“I mean my mother’s beautiful. It happens,” he says. “But I hate it though.”
In one awkward moment from the video, Donovan’s mother is hit on by a pastor, who says, “How I know you must love God with gorgeous eyes like that.”
Even stranger, Donovan’s mother, Elizabeth, told him that the man was their pastor.