Man fired after #HisNameIsCayden Facebook post says he's a 'victim' too
Monday, a Georgia man was fired from his job at Polaris Marketing Group after he posted a picture of his coworker's son on Facebook that sparked a barrage of racist comments from his friends.
Monday, a Georgia man was fired from his job at Polaris Marketing Group after he posted a picture of his coworker’s son on Facebook that sparked a barrage of racist comments from his friends.
Now, Gerod Roth is speaking out and telling his side of the story.
“I just really feel upset, not only with myself, but also the character that was based off the comments that my friends had made. Cayden has been victimized but I have been targeted,” Roth told Fox5.
He claims he took the picture because he assumed Sydney Shelton, the child’s mother, was his friend and wouldn’t mind. Then he says he innocently used the photo as his profile picture on Facebook, unaware of the comments it would attract.
However, Shelton isn’t buying her former coworker’s account of events and is happy he lost his job.
“People post things in a jokingly manner and it gets taken a completely different way,” she explained. “But I don’t believe any of these people were joking.”
The mother of the 3-year-old says she is grateful for all the love and support her family has received via the #HisNameIsCayden movement.
See more of their interviews with Atlanta’s Fox5, above.
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