Donald Trump’s inaccurate tweet on ‘black on black’ violence is everything wrong with the world

Another day, another offensive thing Donald Trump did.

Oh, and water is still wet.

Sunday, the GOP frontrunner shared a tweet that isn’t only factually wrong — it’s intentionally and racially inflammatory.

Here’s the tweet Trump will likely blame someone else for very shortly:

The source of the tweet — “Crime Statistics Bureau – San Francisco” — sounds official. Except it doesn’t exist.

The title of the faux graphic — “USA Crime Statistics 2015” — sounds official. Except this year’s numbers aren’t even available yet.

Here are the latest numbers on murder from the FBI. Yes, they’re from 2014 because 2015’s numbers are not available yet.

The image Trump tweeted reports 97 percent of blacks were killed by blacks in 2015.

Wrong. The latest FBI numbers from 2014 state that number is actually closer to 90 percent.

The image Trump tweeted reports 16 percent of whites were killed by whites in 2015.

Wrong. The latest FBI numbers form 2014 state that number is actually around 82 percent.


As the Washington Post’s Philip Bump points out, this is really nothing new. Most victims of murder are of the same race as their offender.

The image Trump tweeted reports 81 percent of whites were killed by blacks in 2015.

Wrong. The latest FBI numbers form 2014 state that number is actually around 15 percent.

In conclusion, Trump’s tweet is nothing new from the celebrity candidate. He’s playing upon racial fears and lies that make up a portion of his loyal voter base.

Here’s the tweet below, captured in Internet shame forever:

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