Nebraska man denies raping foster daughter, says she got pregnant using a syringe

A Nebraska man accused of raping his 13-year-old foster daughter denied that he actually had sex with the teenager and said instead that he got her pregnant with a syringe, because it was something she had always "dreamed of."

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A Nebraska man accused of raping his 13-year-old foster daughter denied that he actually had sex with the teenager and said instead that he got her pregnant with a syringe, because it was something she had always “dreamed of.”

“We’re not here for first-degree sexual assault of a child. We’re here for child abuse,” the 39-year-old Brandon Weathers, who is representing himself, said in court.

“I helped her indulge a fantasy — it was very stupid on my part,” Weathers told jurors.

“We never had sex. Did we use a syringe? We did. She even told me what her menstrual cycle was. She told me, and we timed it perfectly.”

But Prosecutor Brenda Beadle says that the real story is quite different. Beadle said that the girl, who was placed in Weathers’ home in April of 2014, had a rough childhood leading up to her placement and thought that she was in love with Weathers, which is why she did not reveal the nature of their relationship to authorities at first.

The relationship was instead discovered when she and her younger sister, who was also being fostered by the Weathers, were at summer camp. The girl revealed to her sister that she was not a virgin anymore because of her relationship with “Mr. Brandon,” and a camp counselor overheard the conversation and called Child Protective Services.

The girl said that Weathers had oral and vaginal sex with her “more times than she could count,” and that the relationship continued for the two months she was in the home and then for four months after that.

The girl became pregnant, but she suffered a miscarriage shortly after she discovered the pregnancy.