Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is reportedly featured in a new terrorist recruitment video for the group Al-Shabab, which is based in Somalia.
Evan Kohlmann, analyst with NBC News, was the first to identify the new video and tweeted out, “A new video from al-Shabab in Somalia shows Donald Trump calling for a ban on Muslims and warns ‘basic human rights do not apply’ in the US.”
Kohlmann went on to add, “The new Shabab video featuring @realDonaldTrump appears clear evidence jihadists hope to use him to specifically solicit American recruits.”
Just before Trump’s appearance in the video, the following message from al-Qaeda militant Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed in 2011 by a US drone, appears: “Muslims of the West: Take heed and learn from the lessons of history. There are ominous clouds gathering in your horizon. Yesterday America was a slang of slavery, segregation, lyching and Ku Klux Klan. Tomorrow it will be a land of religious discrimination and concentration camps.”
The message is then followed by video of Trump announcing his plan to ban all Muslims from entering the United States.
As Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric continues, so does the growing concern that he will be used by terrorist groups such as this one in order to add fuel to the anti-American fires.