Video shows cop may have lied when he arrested dad for pulling a gun

Julian Carmona maintained that he was wrongfully accused of pointing a handgun at a police officer at a convenience store.

The officer, William Wright, was off duty when he said that Carmona pointed twice at him with the gun. Investigators are currently looking into these charges, and Carmona’s attorney has stated that the comparison to the officer’s accusations and the surveillance video are “night and day.” He also said that, “but for this video, my client could be one of those that’s sitting in prison and is taken away from their family, based on what appears to be a false allegation.”

Based on the video, it appears that Carmona pulled up quickly behind Officer Wright and got out of his truck, when his gun fell out and to the ground. At that point, he picked it up, and the officer said that he pointed it directly at him. After this confusion, the officer said he “feared” for his own life and drew his weapon, telling Carmona to get on the ground. During this incident, Carmona said, his kids were in his vehicle and that his son came out of his truck while the officer was handcuffing him under arrest. He said that was the “last thing he wanted.”

Carmona put his hands up and began apologizing to the off-duty officer, and he tried to show him his concealed carry license, but he then put his hands back up before the officer started to make the arrest. Carmona’s attorney has stated that “there are two sides to every story,” and department policy is also going to be taken into investigation, regarding the fact that the officer who was off-duty was also caught on camera buying beer, which is reportedly against the regulations set by the officer’s department.

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