The Bahamas have taken the step of warning its citizens, especially young males, who will be traveling to the US to exercise caution around police.
The Bahamian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued this statement:
We wish to advise all Bahamians traveling to the US but especially to the affected cities to exercise appropriate caution generally. In particular young males are asked to exercise extreme caution in affected cities in their interactions with the police. Do not be confrontational and cooperate.
If there is any issue please allow consular offices for The Bahamas to deal with the issues. Do not get involved in political or other demonstrations under any circumstances and avoid crowds.
While the statement does not specify any particular incidents, race relations are at the forefront in some large cities due to the recent deaths of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile and the shooting deaths of police officers at in Dallas.
The statement from the Bahamian authorities comes during the country’s three-day independence holiday weekend, where many tend to travel to the US.
While this type of statement is not common, it has happened before. This is not the only country to issue this type of warning to its citizens.
In 2010, Mexico urged caution to Mexican travelers after a bill was passed in Arizona that targeted undocumented people. Canada and Germany have also warned travelers that there is a high rate of gun ownership and crime in the US so to conduct themselves with extreme care.